our story

One could say, I didn’t choose baking, baking chose me! I know it sounds weird, so let me explain. Until recently (that being a few years ago) I don’t think I could ever fully appreciate being raised in a house where the scent of fresh buttered yeast rolls, citrus lemon cake, and (the household favorite) old fashioned pound cake scents could literally jolt you out of the best of dreams. It was like Thanksgiving and Christmas had a love child on a regular day when my Ma (better known as Mamas) was in the kitchen. I honestly didn’t realize the intel that I unconsciously absorbed growing up watching my Ma, ‘til I got my first mixer to randomly take a stab at making some cookies for my God daughter’s 5th b-day party! The rest of my journey is literally history. I don’t know when I fell in love with baking or when it decided to love me back enough to have hundreds of customers, family, and friends request my crazy creations but I am eternally grateful! Baking provides me a unique thrill of science, creativity, and the ability to spread Love. Honestly, for me, there is no other way to BAKE than from the HEART.

Since you are getting to know me, I might as well let you in on a little secret. I have not one ounce of professional training… lol. I am a Human Resource Consultant per my past career history, degrees, and student loan debt… turned Mom (x3… Joey, Jaxx, & Jett B.), turned Baker creative, and “Momtrepreneur”. Nevertheless, you are in great hands, if I should say so myself. The lack of formal pastry and culinary practices/training has been the greatest catalyst for my creativity. I bake from the heart and if I can make food taste as beautiful as it looks, I deem I have done you justice. Thanks for taking the time to check out my budding brand and/support my business. Whether you purchase product, send referrals, or just drop an email or message, THANK YOU in advance… you are pivotal in helping me create BAKED LOVE!